| Sat, 27 Jul 2024


WESM Manuals
Title Description Date Published File Type Size
Management of Net Settlement Surplus Issue 5.0 This manual sets the procedure for the allocation of the net settlement surplus in the Philippine Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. [Last updated per DOE DCDC2021-11-0038 dated 09 November 2021] 04 Feb 2022 PDF 263 KB
Procedure on Start-up and Shutdown of a Generating Unit Issue 1.0 This document outlines the procedures to be implemented by the Market Operator in the start-up and shutdown of generating units. 26 Jun 2021 PDF 753 KB
Criteria and Guidelines for the Issuance of Pricing Error Notices and Conduct of Market Re-Run Issue 1.0 This document establishes the criteria and guidelines for issuance of Pricing Error Notices (PEN) and for conducting Market Re-Run (MRR) in the Philippine WESM. [Last amendment per PEMB approval dated 28 Apr 2011 as General Amendment] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 721 KB
Procedure for Determining Ex-Post Nodal Energy Prices Issue 2.0 This document describes the calculation of ex-post nodal energy prices for the WESM. [Last amended per PEMB approval dated 28 Apr 2011 as General Amendment] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 721 KB
Segregation of Line Rental Trading Amounts Issue 1.0 This documents the manner of computing line rental trading amounts in the WESM, and determines the methodology for segregating line rental trading amounts into amounts associated with cost of losses and of congestion. 26 Jun 2021 PDF 806 KB
Market Network Model Development and Maintenance - Criteria and Procedures Issue 3.1 This document describes the processes involved in the development, approval, publication and revision of the WESM market network model. [Last updated per DOE DC2020-10-0019 dated 06 October 2020] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 927 KB
Methodology for Determining Pricing Errors and Price Substitution Due to Congestion for Energy Transactions in the WESM Issue 4.0 This manual presents the guidelines and criteria for determining what constitutes pricing errors, guidelines and procedures for the determination of the substitute prices and quantities [Last amendment per PEMB Reso 2014-06 dated 05 Feb 2014] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 928 KB
Load Forecasting Methodology Issue 2.0 This manual sets out the procedures for determining load forecast used in the relevant market runs in the Philippine WESM [Last amended per PEMB Reso 2014-04 dated 05 Feb 2014] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 4 MB
Management Procedure for Load Shedding Issue 2.0 This document covers method and procedures in managing load shedding. [Last amendment PEMB Reso 2014-07 dated 05 Feb 2014] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 2 MB
Management Procedure on Excess Generation Issue 2.0 This document covers the mechanism and policies to be employed to manage expected periods with excess generation. [Last amended per PEM Board approval on 29 Sep 2014] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 2 MB
Emergency Procedures Issue 3.0 This document prescribes procedures that will be followed by the SO and all WESM Participants whenever there is the existence of a situation which has an adverse material effect on electricity supply [Last amended by DOE DC2016-06-0011 dated 24 June 2016] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 1 MB
Constraint Violation Coefficients (CVC) Issue 4.0 This document covers the determination of the CVC to be used by the Market Dispatch Optimization Model and the corresponding procedures and policies to be applied in the WESM. [Last amended per PEM Board approval on 29 Sep 2014] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 2 MB
Procedures for the Monitoring of Forecast Accuracy Standards for Must Dispatch Generating Units Issue 1.0 This manual establishes the procedures for the monitoring, reporting, and review of the forecast accuracy standards for compliance of must dispatch generating units. [Last amended per DOE DC2017-03-0002 dated 20 March 2017] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 808 KB
Metering Standards and Procedures Issue 11.0 This document covers the development, validation, approval, publication and revision of the WESM Metering Manual. [Last amended per DOE DC2017-03-0002 dated 20 March 2017] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 3 MB
Market Operator Information Disclosure and Confidentiality Issue 4.0 This manual presents the guidelines and procedures for the disclosure and protection of information received or generated by the MO. [Last amended per DOE DC2017-03-0002 dated 20 March 2017] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 843 KB
Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria and Procedures Issue 4.2 This manual presents the criteria, guidelines and procedures for the registration, suspension and de-registration of members and participants in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. [Last updated per DOE DC2020-10-0019 dated 06 October 2020] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 943 KB
Management of Must-Run And Must-Stop Units Issue 8.0 This document sets the dispatch criteria of Must-Run Units based on pre-defined categories under the WESM regime and the manner of settlement of Must Run Units and Displaced Generators. [Last amended per DOE DC2017-04-0006 dated 20 April 2017] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 1 MB
Dispatch Protocol Issue No. 12.0 This document covers the timetable and procedures of the Dispatch Protocol. [Last amended per DOE DC2017-004-0007 dated 20 April 2017] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 2 MB
Administered Price Determination Methodology Issue 6.0 This document contains the concept and procedures for determining the administered price that will be used in the Philippine WESM during market suspension and intervention.[Last amended per DOE DC2017-04-0006 dated 20 April 2017] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 954 KB
Billing and Settlement Manual Issue 5.1 This document contains the concept, flowchart and procedural steps in the preparation of settlement statement, payment of settlement amount, prudential requirements and suspension. [Last amended per DOE DC2020-06-0014 dated 02 June 2020] 26 Jun 2021 PDF 1 MB
Guidelines on Significant Variations In and Between Trading Intervals Issue 4.0 This document provides the guidelines and non-exhaustive list on significant variations in and between trading intervals. 26 Jun 2021 PDF 1 MB