| Sun, 16 Feb 2025

advisories & notices

Advisories & Notices
REM ADVISORY: Submission of Metered Quantity (MQ) of Voluntary RE Generators (e.g. Net-Metered Facilities, Non- WESM Embedded Generators and RE Generation Facilities for Own Use) by the Host Distribution Utilities
Fri, 18 Feb 2022

Dear Distribution Utilities,

In reference to REM Rules Clause and in preparation for the RE Registrar’s issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) under the Voluntary RE Generators compliance mechanism, may we request all those host distribution utilities who have registered facilities in the Renewable Energy Market (REM) to submit the MQ of your voluntary generators with actual generation covering the period from January 2018 – December 2018 Billing Periods.

Kindly refer to the table below for the details of the data requirement per facility type:

REM Rules Reference

Facility Type

Data Resolution

Sec. (a)

  1. Net- Metered Facility
  2. RE for Own Use
  3. Non-WESM Embedded RE (fully eligible)


  1. Non-WESM Embedded RE (partially eligible)


For your guide, please read and follow the steps contained in this Work Instruction on how to prepare and submit your monthly or hourly MQ data in the PREMS.

Kindly submit the requested data via PREMS no later than 18 March 2022 at 5:00 PM and accordingly inform us, via email at reregistrar@wesm.ph, for the successful submission.

Should you have any questions or other concerns regarding this Advisory, please send an email to reregistrar@wesm.ph or contact Ms. Pamela Denise B. Cañete at 0921-6351604 or Ms. Margret Lim at 0905-5652327.

You may download a copy of the advisory through this link.

Thank you.