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advisories & notices

Advisories & Notices
Call for Comments on the updated Terms of Reference (TOR) for the 4th Review of Metering Installations and Arrangements (RMIA) for the period 26 June 2016 to 25 June 2022
Fri, 28 Oct 2022


This is in relation to the previous advisory posted on 10 June 2021 informing that the commencement of the 4th Review of Metering Installations and Arrangements (RMIA) on-site inspection will be further moved to January 2022.


The PEM Audit Committee (PAC) would like to notify all WESM Members and other interested parties that the contract with the independent auditor previously engaged for the 4th Review of Metering Installations and Arrangements (RMIA) was recently terminated, hence a new independent auditor will be engaged to conduct the review.


Considering the significant delay in the 4th RMIA, the PAC agreed to expand the covered review period from 26 June 2016 to 25 December 2019 to 26 June 2016 to 25 June 2022, to keep the review and results up to date.


In this regard, the PAC wishes to again solicit your comments on the updated TOR including the list of sample metering sites. This supersedes the previous call for comments posted last 04 May 2020.


To download the document, please click this link: Updated Terms of Reference for 4th RMIA


Please submit your comments to mag.info@wesm.ph copy furnishing mag_mpe@wesm.ph  with email subject “Comments on updated TOR for 4th RMIA (26 June 2016 to 25 June 2022)” by 10 November 2022.


Thank you.